How to print a resume:
How to remove a Header/Footer:
Depending on the browser you are using, a printed page may display a header/footer such as a page title, URL, or the date/time. You can remove the header/footer on a printed version of a student’s Family Connection resume. However, the steps may vary based on your browser. Here are the steps for commonly used Web browsers:
Internet Explorer 7 and up:
All browsers:
How to add colleges to the Colleges I’m Applying To list:
From the Colleges I’m Applying To list (click Add to this List)
From the Colleges I’m Thinking About list (check the college and click Move to Application List)
How to save Searches in SuperMatch College Search
To retrieve a college search you saved in Naviance:
How to convert Prospective Colleges to Active Applications
The prospective colleges list allows you to track colleges that a student is considering. Family Connection enables students to modify the prospective colleges list. If a student decides to apply to a college on the prospective colleges list, you or the student can convert the college to an active application rather than adding the application from scratch.
To convert a prospective college to an active application:
How to request transcripts:
By selecting Request in the Transcript column while adding a college to the Colleges I’m Applying To list
By clicking the Request Transcripts link after adding a college to the Colleges I’m Applying To list
By clicking the Transcripts link on the Colleges tab in the Resources section
Note: If a student wants to request a transcript for the NCAA, he or she must submit the request through the NCAA website.
How to request teacher recommendations:
1. From the Colleges I’m Applying To list, go to the Teacher Recommendations section.
2. Click the Add/Cancel Requests link.
3. Choose a teacher from the drop-down menu and choose either general or specific.
4. Enter a personal note, optional.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for up to four teachers.
6. Click the Update Requests button to complete the request.
How to request a final transcript in Family Connection:
- Go to the About Me tab.
- Click Resume.
- Click Customize Your Printable Resume.
- Click the Edit pencil next to the saved resume.
- Next to Format, click the radio button to select a Style.
- Next to References, click the radio button to include or not include References.
- Check the Boxes and/or Radio Buttons of information within each section that you would like to be included in your resume.
- Click Save and Close.
- Click the View/Print icon to view and print the resume.
How to remove a Header/Footer:
Depending on the browser you are using, a printed page may display a header/footer such as a page title, URL, or the date/time. You can remove the header/footer on a printed version of a student’s Family Connection resume. However, the steps may vary based on your browser. Here are the steps for commonly used Web browsers:
Internet Explorer 7 and up:
- Click the arrow next to the Printer icon.
- Click Page Setup.
- Remove the text from the Header and Footer fields.
- Click OK.
- Click the Firefox menu in the top left corner of your browser.
- Click the arrow next to Print and choose Page Setup.
- Click the Margins & Header/Footer tab.
- Use the drop-down menus in the Headers & Footers section to change the options.
- Click OK.
All browsers:
- Go to File > Print.
- Choose your browser from the drop-down list.
- Use the Page Headers and Page Footers drop-down menus to change the options.
- Click Print.
How to add colleges to the Colleges I’m Applying To list:
From the Colleges I’m Applying To list (click Add to this List)
From the Colleges I’m Thinking About list (check the college and click Move to Application List)
How to save Searches in SuperMatch College Search
- Go to Colleges.
- Click SuperMatch College Search.
- Search for colleges, click Add to List for colleges that meet the search criteria.
- Click Save under My Search Options to save the search.
To retrieve a college search you saved in Naviance:
- Go to Colleges > College Search.
- Next to Advanced Search, click the Go button.
- From the Saved Searches drop-down menu, choose the saved search.
- Go to the College Search section of the Colleges tab.
- From the Saved Searches drop-down menu, choose the saved search.
How to convert Prospective Colleges to Active Applications
The prospective colleges list allows you to track colleges that a student is considering. Family Connection enables students to modify the prospective colleges list. If a student decides to apply to a college on the prospective colleges list, you or the student can convert the college to an active application rather than adding the application from scratch.
To convert a prospective college to an active application:
- Open the student folder.
- Click the Colleges tab.
- Click Prospective Colleges.
- Check the box next to the college(s) you want to convert.
- From the Select Apps and drop-down menu, choose Convert to Active Applications.
- Click the Go button.
How to request transcripts:
By selecting Request in the Transcript column while adding a college to the Colleges I’m Applying To list
By clicking the Request Transcripts link after adding a college to the Colleges I’m Applying To list
By clicking the Transcripts link on the Colleges tab in the Resources section
Note: If a student wants to request a transcript for the NCAA, he or she must submit the request through the NCAA website.
How to request teacher recommendations:
1. From the Colleges I’m Applying To list, go to the Teacher Recommendations section.
2. Click the Add/Cancel Requests link.
3. Choose a teacher from the drop-down menu and choose either general or specific.
4. Enter a personal note, optional.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for up to four teachers.
6. Click the Update Requests button to complete the request.
How to request a final transcript in Family Connection:
- Select the Colleges tab.
- In the Resources section, click Transcripts.
- Click Request transcripts for my college applications.
- Check the Request Final Transcripts box for the appropriate applications.
- Click Request Final Transcript.